
A software engineer in sunny-side Singapore. 20 Years Old (i know, I’m pretty old myself). Undergraduate at SMU, pursuing Bachelors in Science, Computer Science. A pretty funny guy too!

Turn your ideas into reality, with my help



Years of Professional Experience


Clients helped, turning their ideas into a reality


Years of Programming Experience


Funny jokes made – you gotta trust me on this one

"To be frank, even though I as an IT professional mentor to him, I couldn't implement such a system myself"

Mr Tan Hu-Shien

Mr Tan Hu-Shien

Senior Lecturer, Singapore Polytechnic

"He was essentially the technical forerunner for the team, enthusiastically paving the way for the team when it comes to new technical challenges."

Mr Dan Toh

Mr Dan Toh

CEO / Founder, RunningStream Ptd Ltd.